🏳️ Government Essays

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essays on this Topic

Iran Hostage Crisis

Pages: 4
Words: 1222
Rating: 4,8

In November 4th, 1979, a group of students in Iran raided the United States embassy in Tehran. The students were members of the Muslim Student…

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Illegal Wiretapping

Pages: 5
Words: 1364
Rating: 4,8

Abstract Beginning the 9/11 attack, the U.S. government’s need to protect its citizens against possible future acts of terrorism increased, while the need to detect…

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Improvised and Vehicular- Borne Explosive Devices: Aspects That Make Detection…

Pages: 5
Words: 1409
Rating: 4,8

Abstract The fight against terror and the evolution of warfare has led to different manners of attack by enemies who pose a threat to the…

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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Conventional And Critical Approaches To Terrorism

Pages: 8
Words: 2056
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Terrorism is a major source of concern for the political world against the backdrop that, it encompasses the use of unlawful and indiscriminate violence…

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Terrorist Events at Airports

Pages: 2
Words: 573
Rating: 4,8

Terrorist events at airports have become a common occurrence. Terrorists target airports despite the high levels of security in such areas. Any loophole in airport…

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Kelo V New London

Subject: ⚖️ Law
Pages: 3
Words: 664
Rating: 4,8

What did the United States Supreme Court hold with respect to the principal issue in the case? The United States Supreme Court simply held that…

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Writers As Social Critics

Pages: 3
Words: 666
Rating: 4,9

A large percentage of famous writers are social critics. They adore pinpointing the factors that result in a society having a flawed social structure. This…

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Why Should School Start Later?

Pages: 4
Words: 941
Rating: 4,8

Teens reverie sleep each day. This need does not imply laziness on their part or lack of ambition thereof. Instead, sleep cycles change as children…

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Cyber attacks against the United States: Titan Rain

Pages: 4
Words: 1109
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The Federal Government of the United States extended the name “Titan Rain” to a series of attacks on computer systems in the U.S. since…

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Conflict Studies Memo

Pages: 3
Words: 645
Rating: 4,6

Part 1 Oneal and Russett strive to show that Kant brought forward pertinent claims by advocating for interdependence, democracy and international organizations. Kant’s approach was…

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The American President

Pages: 4
Words: 955
Rating: 4,7

The American presidential elections are one the most popular political processes both in the United States and the whole world. Although the American President is…

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How the statements reflect the American foreign policy

Pages: 1
Words: 350
Rating: 4,7

This summary contains the public statements of H.R. Mc Master, Gary Cohn, Rex Tillerson, and James Mattis in the various capacities and how the statements…

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The Social Construction of Anarchy 

Pages: 6
Words: 1597
Rating: 4,7

Introduction In international relations theory, anarchy is defined as the perception that the world lacks somewhat central government or sovereign authority (Guzzini, 2000). Berger, Luckmann,…

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The Popularity of Soccer in Cuba

Subject: ⚽ Sports
Pages: 9
Words: 2855
Rating: 4,7

Introduction Cuba, also referred to as the Republic of Cuba is a country within the northern Caribbean and its location is at the meeting point…

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2022 Soccer World Cup in Qatar

Subject: ⚽ Sports
Pages: 10
Words: 2843
Rating: 4,7

Introduction Soccer is one of the many sports that are enjoyed by people from diverse cultures across the globe. It is arguably the most popular…

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Analyzing House Bills

Pages: 2
Words: 591
Rating: 4,7

S. 442: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017 442 is meant to reaffirm the primary goal of the NASA human spaceflight…

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How Iran could improve its Economic System

Pages: 5
Words: 1089
Rating: 4,8

Economic system of the Islamic Republic of Iran struggled with over 25 years of intense economic sanctions between 1979 and 2015 (International Monetary Fund). The…

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Analysis of UK Housing Policies over the past 20 Years

Pages: 7
Words: 1899
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Shelter is a basic human need. Unfortunately, access to dignified and affordable housing remains a major challenge around the world, including in Western nations….

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Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A’changing

Pages: 4
Words: 1068
Rating: 4,8

The decision by the United States secretary of defense, Leon Panetta, amongst other leaders to open combat positions to women culminated the long series of…

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Tax Avoidance and CSR

Pages: 11
Words: 2892
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Tax payment is an important undertaking for multinational corporations because it contributes to good citizenship and governance. However, tax avoidance seems to undermine the…

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