Social Psychology Essays

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essays on this Topic

Stability and Malleability of Personality

Pages: 6
Words: 1487
Rating: 4,7

Personality refers to those distinct individual differences in characteristic patterns of feeling, thinking, response, and most importantly behaving (Kandler, 2012). Personality focuses on two major…

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The Ways in Which the Personality of a Leader Might…

Pages: 6
Words: 1799
Rating: 4,8

Introduction In this intensely competitive business environment, organizations have concentrated on developing effective leadership style to accomplish all the business goals. Leaders within an organization…

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Relationships Essay

Pages: 3
Words: 766
Rating: 4,5

Introduction In my daily activities, I interact with several people both in class, at the shopping malls, while running my personal errands, and on the…

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Comparing and Contrasting Behaviorism and Cognitive Theories of Personality

Pages: 8
Words: 1811
Rating: 4,6

Both cognitive and behaviorist theories share some common axioms towards the development of personality traits or personality theory. They try to explain the concept of…

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Antisocial Personality Disorder

Pages: 5
Words: 1388
Rating: 4,7

Abstract The paper discusses antisocial personality disorder in details. It discusses causes, complications, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of the disorder. It classifies antisocial personality disorder…

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Radicalization analytical essay

Pages: 6
Words: 1720
Rating: 4,8

Introduction In the twenty-first century, the issue of radicalization and violent extremism has been a major concern to global leaders. As a result, extensive research…

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Competency Essay: Abnormal Psychology

The primary learning goals for the competency include focusing on a resource to explore the manner in which human sexuality in a world of diversity…

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Job Design and Motivation

Pages: 10
Words: 2440
Rating: 4,6

Introduction Organisations are experiencing intense rivalry globally, and they have to use various means to enhance performance. Employees’ motivation is a significant function that contributes…

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Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Pages: 5
Words: 1405
Rating: 4,6

The literature review used in this article is rich in content regarding attitudes of teachers while providing education to most of the students with disorders….

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Social Media Platforms

Pages: 5
Words: 1335
Rating: 4,8

Overview The online environment has created a link between people, global intelligence through tech devices. This has stimulated terms such as hyper-connectivity and logged on…

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Fallacies and Cognitive Biases

Pages: 2
Words: 326
Rating: 4,7

Sociocentrism can be broadly defined as the belief that one’s social group’s way of thinking and articulating ideas is right and superior to others way…

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The root cause analysis

Pages: 2
Words: 612
Rating: 4,8

Every organization faces recurrent and one-time problems. Solving these problems is possible by understanding what caused the issues. Identifying the root cause requires a detailed…

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Sociological Perspective on Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Pages: 4
Words: 1093
Rating: 4,6

Alcohol is the drug that is most commonly abused with approximately 80 percent of adults in Aotearoa having used it in the past twelve months….

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Effect of domestic terrorism on the US Economy

Pages: 6
Words: 1733
Rating: 5,0

Recent strings of incidences over the past years serve as an indication that despite the over decades long focus of the government on the jihadists’…

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Drug use among high school students

Pages: 13
Words: 3252
Rating: 4,8

Presentation of the Issue Drug abuse has become a common topic with each passing day due to its prevalence.Β  People have become accustomed to seeing…

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Feldman’s seven approaches to motivation

Pages: 4
Words: 849
Rating: 4,6

Instinct Approaches These entail biologically determined behaviors rather than those an individual has to attain either via formal or informal learning. Primarily, their drive emanates…

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Behavioralism in comparative politics

Pages: 7
Words: 1621
Rating: 4,7

Comparative politics is a specific sphere of human activity in which the differences of social groups, nations, and classes are reflected. A core of politics…

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Followership: pros and cons

Pages: 2
Words: 699
Rating: 4,7

The importance of followership to leadership has been established in research and literature. According to Agho (2009), followership involves being proactive and competent in supporting…

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Evolutionary Psychology – Violence

Pages: 3
Words: 788
Rating: 4,8

This is an evolutionary, psychological summary on violence, homicide, and war. The summary intends to help understand these behaviors. Violence is an act intended to…

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Rite of passage and developmental theories

Pages: 1
Words: 319
Rating: 4,3

This subject of this post and the theory found to be most suited is that of Lawrence Kohlberg in terms of rites of passage for…

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