Foreign Policy Essays

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essays on this Topic

The Transition of Authoritarian to Democracy in Jamaica

Pages: 4
Words: 746
Rating: 4,9

Domestic society Economic development Despite the democracy state witnessed in the political system in Jamaica, the same situation does not reflect on its economic system….

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International Relations after the Cold War

Pages: 4
Words: 1123
Rating: 4,7

At the beginning of August 1990, Saddam Hussein, the then leader of Iraq arranged for the intrusion and occupation of Kuwait. Other Arab nations were…

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Cold War Essay

Pages: 7
Words: 1906
Rating: 4,6

Introduction Cold War’s effects were felt in every area of the American Society.  Not only did it affect the American’s foreign policy, but also affected…

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How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

Subject: 🏺 History
Pages: 4
Words: 848
Rating: 4,8

The state was the main initiator of the enlightenment that led to the French revolution. While the main cause of the French Revolution was radical…

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Memorandum to the Honorable U.S. Ambassador to Iraq

Pages: 6
Words: 1478
Rating: 4,8

Your Excellency, I am honored to be of service, in selecting two appropriate paintings for use In the Embassy at Baghdad. After due thought and…

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Forms of government in England and France

Pages: 6
Words: 1627
Rating: 4,6

Using all of the social forces, explain why by the eighteenth century the institutions of government in England and France had evolved into such different…

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The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy

Pages: 4
Words: 1058
Rating: 4,8

After the World War Second, the American allies and Soviet Union deviated from their common path as there were differences in their political views. America…

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Analysis of United States performance in 1990 Gulf War

Pages: 4
Words: 990
Rating: 4,9

Operation Desert storm in 1991 has since then brought mixed reactions concerning its effectiveness and the poor strategies that were evident after the war. The…

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What is the relation of soft power and hard power…

Pages: 5
Words: 1225
Rating: 4,6

The terms “soft power” and “hard power” are used to describe the way that a country relates to other countries in the world. They derive…

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Japanese Red Army

Subject: 🏺 History
Pages: 2
Words: 529
Rating: 4,6

Introduction More than three decades ago, the Japanese Red Army was among the most dreaded terrorist organizations. The reason for this was that the Japanese…

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Middle East challenges

Subject: 🏺 History
Pages: 7
Words: 1752
Rating: 5,0

Introduction The Middle East is considered to be one of the important regions in the world in terms of its holy sites for tourism, oil…

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Hard power and soft power in health

Pages: 2
Words: 546
Rating: 4,7

According to Nye (2011), hard power is the ability to get others to act in a way that is contrary to their initial preference and…

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Near-term future of terrorism in the United States

Pages: 3
Words: 858
Rating: 4,9

Terrorism has become a menace across the globe with many nations facing the wrath of militant groups that carry out dangerous attacks on their perceived…

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Economic policy challenges facing the gulf cooperation council

Pages: 5
Words: 1265
Rating: 4,3

Introduction The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is an umbrella organization that includes all countries found within the Persian Gulf region, except Iraq and Iran. The…

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Islamic Development Bank

Pages: 1
Words: 365
Rating: 3,9

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) serves as a financial institution which was founded in 1975, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It is imperative to note that…

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Current events in American politics

Pages: 3
Words: 784
Rating: 4,8

On Friday 27th January 2017, President Trump signed a temporary immigration and travel ban. The executive order provisionally bans entry by any traveler from seven…

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2006-2016 Panama Canal expansion project: it’s implications and its influence…

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 15
Words: 3896
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Summary of the Aim of the Project The project aimed at identifying the implications and analysing the influences of 2006-2016 Panama Canal expansion projects…

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History: empire

Subject: 🏺 History
Pages: 9
Words: 2457
Rating: 4,1

Introduction The word empire came to being in around the first century BC and it was introduced by the Europeans to describe a polity as…

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To what extent does political instability influence inequality

Pages: 9
Words: 2374
Rating: 4,8

Introduction In recent decades, there are increasing emphasis on democracies and freedom, however, studies continuously reported that these are hugely influenced by political stability (Bale,…

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History of America overview

Pages: 4
Words: 1177
Rating: 4,9

Pocahontas The Europeans arrived in coastal Virginia, a place inhabited by Powhatan Indians. The colonialist’s settlements spread in Virginia, forcing the Powhatans to move inland…

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