Marketing Essays

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essays on this Topic

China automobile entry in India and Egypt

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 4
Words: 1075
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Trade between countries and the emergence of foreign investment has been increasing rapidly promising excellent economic relations amongst modern and fast-growing countries. In the…

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The safety, economic, and environmental impacts of electric cars

Pages: 5
Words: 1323
Rating: 4,7

Abstract Electric vehicles are more pollution-free energy efficient, and economical. EVs emit CO2 less than 30% as compared to conventional cars. The UK government is…

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Social media and business intelligence

Subject: 📡 Media
Pages: 1
Words: 264
Rating: 4,0

Social media is the new buzz word when it comes to modern day businesses, networking, marketing, and e- commerce based activities. Social media is a…

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