Academic Writing Help & Professional Academic Writing Services

Is any academic paper troubling you? No problem! Our academic writing service is right what you need to save time and hand in a quality essay on time. Teachers love it when their students turn in quality essays!
What we guarantee
100% originality
We write papers from scratch and use only reliable scholarly sources, so no plagiarism issue is possible.
Compliance with instructions
Our essay writers will follow your specifications to the letter to make sure you get exactly what you want.
Timely delivery
Since 2009, we've delivered 70% of orders before the deadline, so rest assured you'll receive your paper on time.
Free revisions
If you want your paper amended, you can request free unlimited revisions within 14-30 days.
24/7 support
Our friendly customer support team is in touch 24/7. Call our toll-free lines or start a live chat anytime.
Money-back guarantee
We'll fix your paper to perfection or refund the payment if something dissatisfies you about the result.
Writer Screening
We hand-pick the best candidates among those seeking to get a position of an academic writer on our team. Fulfilling all writing assignments from scratch is must-do for every expert, new and already-established alike. Meeting deadlines and staying open to communicating with a customer is another pillar of our writing policy.
pass a screening
of candicates get hired
of candidates ace
the grammar test
get to the next round
Latest reviews
We can make all kinds of promises about the paper writing service we deliver, but nothing matters as much as what our clients say about us.
Order now 100% satisfaction or your money back!
Your privacy is our priority
Anonymous communication
At, you can discuss your order with the assigned essay writer on an anonymous basis.
Safe payment options
We partner with reliable payment providers and accept all major debit and credit cards, including Visa.
Absolute confidentiality
Your private data is kept secret and won't be shared with anyone, including the assigned essay helper.
Only top-quality essay writing services
Focused on quality, our team goes above and beyond to make sure that all the completed papers are nothing short of perfect.
Originality check
We use plagiarism detection software similar to Turnitin (e.g., Copyleaks, Copyscape) )to ensure that the originality level is within acceptable limits. Upon your request, we can provide a detailed report.
Harsh quality control
Once written, every paper is double-checked for accuracy, formatting, grammar, punctuation, and a whole lot of other issues by the dedicated Quality Assurance Team.
You have academic goals.
We can help you reach them hassle-free.
You have academic goals.
We can help you reach them hassle-free.

What is Academic Writing?

Academic writing definition is the process of creating scholarly texts such as research papers, essays, reports, or case studies that aim to check the student’s subject knowledge and a general level of erudition. The academic writing process includes the following stages:

  • Having a task assigned by a teacher/instructor/tutor/lecturer/professor.
  • Analyzing task requirements.
  • Brainstorming a topic.
  • Browsing relevant background sources.
  • Gathering background data and facts.
  • Writing a thesis statement.
  • Creating an outline.
  • Drafting.Editing/ proofreading, document formatting.
  • Plagiarism check.
  • Final paper submission.
  • Grading.
  • Revisions (optional).

As you can see, academic essay writing is a serious and time-consuming process. An average student spends 70+ hours every semester writing essays alone. Those who lack time to cope with such a workload or are reluctant to do essays can pay for essay writing on sites like It helps manage the workload more effectively and save some time for personal life, hobbies, and having a good rest.

What is Academic Essay Writing Help?

Academic writing help is a service provided by sites like that are special educational platforms for students to get in touch with expert essay writers. Such a service helps students in need find subject-relevant writers who can give them a hand with writing homework.

The best academic writing service is the one that provides original and unique content. Taking the Grade Miners platform as an example, the company guarantees that all essays are written from scratch by real human academic authors. This way, a customer avoids any possible complications with Turnitin and plagiarism in general. Teachers and professors also don’t have problems with custom essay writings as long as the content is original, which can be confirmed by a Similarity report from Turnitin.

Academic essay help can be:

  • Writing.
  • Editing.
  • Proofreading.
  • Revising.
  • Consulting.

These academic writing services are designed to help a student with a particular task at hand. From editing an already-written paper to writing a completely new one on demand, sites like are the best place to get such academic writing help.

How to Choose an Academic Writing Service?

Choosing a site to buy essays online is very important. Whereas a little-known, cheap site will most likely get you into plagiarism trouble or won’t bring a positive grade, a quality site, on the contrary, will pay off with both great results and zero negative sides.

To help you find a quality essay site, here are several key criteria for choosing a quality academic essay writing service:

  • Experience
  • Pool of writers.
  • Service package.
  • Delivery.
  • Money-back guarantee.
  • Customer support.


Experience and reputation are what defines professional academic writing services from scam., for example, is one of the household names in the academic writing industry with more than 10+ years of experience in the market. Buying essays from such a company brings nothing but confidence.

Sure thing, there are some great new essay sites that you can discover and take advantage. However, your GPA and academic integrity aren’t worth $1-$3 per page saved. In the essay writing business, it’s always stick to reputation and experience first!

Pool of writers

There are two major types of writers – English native speakers (ENL) and international writers (ESL). But it doesn’t mean that ESL writers are cheap and ENL are the top-shelf experts! In fact, the two camps of writers are equally skilled and trained, at least on The difference is in the nuances!

The main nuance being that a native English-speaking student needs an ENL writer to do their essay, while a student from abroad needs an ESL speaker to avoid suspicion. And if you seek more quality, opt-in for Top and Premium writers, who can be both native English speakers and international specialists.

Service package

The concept of essay writing help implies taking on the student’s workload while you can take care of other important things planned for the day. It’s like if you do a paper yourself but only without it being actually done by you, as simple as that.

A good service won’t require a student to do anything with the final paper variant since that’s what customers pay for – not having to do anything. Such things as topic brainstorming, research, drafting, citation formatting, you name it – these activities are to be performed by hired academic writers. So look for a site that does everything for you, relieving you from all the workload. would be a great choice!


Forgetting about an essay until there’s less than a day left until the submission is a common scenario. That’s why quality companies offer three and even one-hour deadlines for all your super-urgent orders in addition to standard 72-hour or 7-day deadlines.

However, promising to write a paper in three hours and actually delivering it in three hours are two completely different things! That’s why finding a site that handles all kinds of deadlines is key., for example, is known to write essays in less than 3 hours, delivering urgent orders in time.

Money-back guarantee

Here, it’s very simple – a professional essay writing service must have a money-back guarantee. Otherwise, a site won’t be worth your time and money. Also, it might even be dangerous to use such a site! Instead, go for trusted sites with a legit money-back guarantee, e.g.,

🎓Highest quality ZERO plagiarisms!
📚Any type of work 40+ subjects
⌚Time-sensitive On-Time delivery
✅Free Revisions Refund Guarantee
💯Anonymous 100% anonymous garante

Customer support

Being there for their customers is what a professional site does. A company without customer support where you can call and address your issues or concerns doesn’t deserve any attention (and money!) in 2023. Being available via a phone hotline, Facebook Messenger, Live chat, and email is what defines a really quality academic writing company.

Is Custom Academic Essay Writing Legit?

Academic essay writing services are fully legit when purchased on reliable, time-tested sites with a well-earned reputation. is one of the top 1 legit essay writing services in the US in 2023. We have industry-leading writers who do all the tasks from scratch. Turnitin similarity reports are mostly positive, leaving teachers no room for doubt – this essay is original!


Academic writing may be a real pain in the back. For many students, it really is! But there’s no shame in asking for help as well as getting academic writing help when you do need it. On the contrary, it’s a sign of commitment to do the thing that is right for you in the first place.

So if you’re a goal-focused student who wants the best result, then academic writing services by are definitely for you!

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Team of Professionals. We’ve Got Your Back.
Power up Your Study Success with Experts We’ve Got Your Back.