Abraham Lincoln Essays

Results: 12 samples found
essays on this Topic

Causes Of The Civil War

Pages: 4
Words: 1007
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The American Civil War remains a fateful event in the history of the United States. Between 1841 and 1845, approximately three quarters of a…

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Abraham Lincoln Biography

Pages: 3
Words: 696
Rating: 4,6

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. Lincoln’s family background was not wealthy, and he had to work hard to climb up the ladder…

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Lincoln`s View on Slavery

Pages: 4
Words: 868
Rating: 4,8

The fight for freedom for the Negros has not been easy, especially in the New World (America). The United States had been the destination for…

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Authentic Leadership

Pages: 2
Words: 546
Rating: 4,5

A leader has the responsibility of motivating and inspiring employees and their followers to achieve the most in their work settings. According to the theory…

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The Great Person Theory: Is It a Valid Interpretation of…

Pages: 4
Words: 1186
Rating: 4,7

The Great Person Theory is a 19th-century theory that seeks to explain the history of the world taking into account all the chronological events that…

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Abraham Lincoln Descriptive Essay

Pages: 3
Words: 751
Rating: 4,8

Abraham Lincoln was born in the year 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. His parents hailed from Virginia (USA.gov., 2017). Lincoln’s early life was characterized by…

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Civil war cause and effect

Pages: 4
Words: 1045
Rating: 4,8

The American Civil was one of the most important pages in the history of American nation. Civil war is the conflict which took place in…

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Could have the American Civil War been avoided?

Pages: 5
Words: 1111
Rating: 4,9

The debate over the American Civil War continues even today, and emotions are just as charged if one knows where to look. This complex situation…

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Emancipation proclamation

Pages: 4
Words: 1110
Rating: 4,8

The Emancipation was issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1862. The emancipation was issued after the Union Victory in the battle of Antietam. The declaration of…

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Lincoln Movie

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 5
Words: 1401
Rating: 4,6

It is important to appreciate the fact that the Lincoln movie is considered as a masterpiece in its way. Steven Spielberg has been accredited as…

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Abraham Lincoln as a war general

Pages: 8
Words: 2110
Rating: 4,8

Abraham Lincoln was born on 12th February and died on 15th April 1865. He was well known as a lawyer and an American statesman who…

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Suffrage ought to be a fruit of citizenship

Pages: 2
Words: 602
Rating: 4,6

Suffrage ought to be a fruit of citizenship The confederate state also required restoration; this was in the minds of the republicans (Sawrey, 156). In…

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The Grademiners database is an excellent source of well-written, authentic texts about Abraham Lincoln and may serve as strong guidance for your own writing.

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Our writers donate new essay samples every day, working on the database’s expansion and quality improvement. So, you can find thousands of ready-made essays on Abraham Lincoln and other topics here.

Students often get an assignment to write an essay about Abraham Lincoln regardless of the course they study. This President of the United States of America was a bright figure in many senses, so his character analysis is relevant for history studies, leadership studies, and slavery research. If you’re unsure what to write about and have trouble with an Abraham Lincoln essay paper, welcome to our database. It contains much evidence and covers many valuable sources to inform your academic writing.

What to Discuss in Abraham Lincoln Essays?

As soon as you’re tasked with creating an Abraham Lincoln paper, you may get stuck choosing the right focus for your research. On the one hand, this President is famous for heroic deeds during the Civil War, with Confederate states protecting their right to keep slaves. One of the bloodiest and most victorious battles Lincoln held was at Gettysburg; it changed the course of events and eventually led to the victory of freedom-focused Northern states headed by the President.

So, writing about this great persona in American history may be challenging for many reasons. You may lack time to study all the nuances of his life and career or have poor knowledge of the Civil War events to talk about them informatively and competently. In any of these cases, our database may be of much help.

Use Our Abraham Lincoln Essay Examples for Study Success

Having clear visual guidance in front of you is always a good start to any writing task. It’s often challenging to figure out something worthy when you have to do the guesswork and wander in the vast space of scholarly evidence. Thus, using our database is always a good idea for the following reasons.

Top Quality Essay Samples

You can pick any Abraham Lincoln essay sample as guidance in your analysis and research. We’ve already done the legwork for you and have delivered many well-written texts that can inspire your composition. So, why prepare an assignment from scratch if you can use the ideas you like in these samples?

Tried and Tested Topics and Structure

Choosing a topic is always challenging for students. You need to sort out dozens of options and stop on the optimal variant that speaks to you, offers enough scholarly evidence, and looks pretty manageable. We can simplify this task by offering many ready-made topics and structures for essays examining the life and achievements of Abraham Lincoln from various angles.

Quality Work from Our Writers

Every essay you see here was written from scratch by one of our authors, so it serves as a sample of their professionalism and expertise. If you like what you see in the samples, you will enjoy working with our team on the custom orders on Abraham Lincoln or any other subject.

We Can Complete Your Essay on Abraham Lincoln

Is history writing not your cup of tea? Contact us today to get a perfect essay on Abraham Lincoln to surprise your professor with clear writing and depth of analytical insight. Our authors are ready to relieve your academic burden and handle the task instead of you.

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