Marxist Criticism Essays

Results: 3 samples found
essays on this Topic

What is Missing from a Marxist Account of Class

Pages: 12
Words: 3185
Rating: 4,8

Capitalism is a market system in which the means of production are privately owned. Further, the profits realised from such production are accrued to the…

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“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”: A Marxist…

Pages: 6
Words: 1802
Rating: 4,8

It is possible to have differing social classes within a tightly-knit nuclear family. “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been”, as written by Joyce…

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Labor and freedom by Eugene V. Debs

Pages: 3
Words: 790
Rating: 4,6

The book History, Labor, and Freedom: Themes from Marx, is a collection of philosophical papers. It was compiled by the philosopher Gerald Cohen and was…

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