China Essays

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essays on this Topic

Mainland China’s Aggression towards Taiwan 🔥 trending

Pages: 4
Words: 998
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The delicate and conflicting relationship between the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan manifested at the end of the Second World War. This conflict…

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China-Taiwan Relations 🔥 trending

Pages: 4
Words: 908
Rating: 5,0

Introduction Since the 17th century, Taiwan has been widely known to be a Chinese land. Taiwan was occupied by Chine nationals who spoke Chinese language…

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U.S. – Taiwan Relationship 🔥 trending

Pages: 4
Words: 917
Rating: 4,6

Taiwan and the United States have an agreeable relationship. Taiwan is an incredible powerhouse and a leading democracy in the Indo-Pacific, which makes it a…

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Cross-cultural Management

Pages: 12
Words: 3282
Rating: 4,8

Part A Values underpin the various behavioural dissimilarities that exist in diverse cultures. Geert Hofstede (2011, p. 3) indicates that culture is the entire indoctrination…

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Why Did Japan Attack Pearl Harbor

Pages: 3
Words: 635
Rating: 4,8

Introduction Japan was in a state of war with China. Although Japan was a military superpower, the war with China was depleting their resources. At…

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Newly Emergent Social Actors And Their Influence On Water Policy…

Pages: 11
Words: 2994
Rating: 4,7

Introduction This paper focusses on the maters regarding the conservation of the Chinese waters. It includes both the government policies as well as the non-governmental…

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Ancient Civilization

Pages: 3
Words: 916
Rating: 4,8

The ancient geographical features in the old Mesopotamia comprised of rivers Euphrates and Tigris.It was between these two streams and commonly known as the land…

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China and Western Technology in the Late Eighteenth Century

Pages: 2
Words: 437
Rating: 4,6

Introduction The interaction between the Chinese technology and the western have been researched and published by most of the writers from both sides with different…

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Ethnicity in the Tang Dynasty

Pages: 3
Words: 578
Rating: 4,7

Social scientist and historians have largely been involved in the study of ethnography and have helped in coining the definition of ethnicity as a form…

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Vision of revolution

Subject: 🏺 History
Pages: 5
Words: 1324
Rating: 4,9

Introduction The emergence of Sun’s ideology came into existence when the foreign powers were slowly creeping into the territory of China. China had degenerated into…

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Chinese Communist Party

Subject: 🏺 History
Pages: 8
Words: 2256
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was formed in 1921 and rose to power in 1949 (brown, 2017). The party was formed to rebel against…

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Opium trade between Britain & China

Pages: 5
Words: 1356
Rating: 4,6

Introduction Firstly, opium is a substance produced from the opium poppy. One of the primary narcotic agents in opium is morphine. This is actually one…

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The effects of parents migration on the education of children…

Pages: 6
Words: 1419
Rating: 4,7

Abstract China’s quick expansion and urbanization have encouraged significant numbers of rural residents to migrate from their village residents to urban areas in search of…

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The life of migrant workers in Chinese cities

Pages: 11
Words: 2767
Rating: 4,6

The Chinese urban labor force is constituted largely by workers from other regions of the country other than the cities in China. The labor force…

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Explain the what, why, and how of proper order

Pages: 5
Words: 1289
Rating: 4,8

The Chinese philosophy of proper order is akin to politics and social systems. It is a concept that explains the role of the government to…

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China’s artifact

Pages: 3
Words: 776
Rating: 4,8

Chinese culture is diverse, broad, and unique besides anchored on varied aspects that embrace traditions, heritage, art, festivals, symbols and language. This is quite evident…

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China: goodwill or bad will?

Pages: 6
Words: 1609
Rating: 4,5

Policymakers and political analysts are currently in a state over the new global order that is somewhat being shaped by China’s rapid rise in world…

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How private enterprises in China developed

Subject: 💼 Business
Pages: 2
Words: 540
Rating: 4,7

Over the past 30 years, the development of the private sector in China has been marked by rapid growth and development (Zheng and Yang 2)….

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Communists vs. nationalists in China’s Civil War

Pages: 3
Words: 712
Rating: 4,7

After the tense period of the Chinese history in the aftermath of the World War I, China was about to enter the phase of its…

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Gender inequality in the communist period

Pages: 13
Words: 3218
Rating: 4,7

Introduction Back in the days and era of communism in Europe, women were degraded and treated with contempt as they were regarded as inferior beings….

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