Health Essays

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essays on this Topic

Monkeypox 🔥 trending

Pages: 4
Words: 877
Rating: 4,8

Rapidly after the world settled into relative ease following the public availability of the coronavirus vaccine, communities have had to grapple with a new threat…

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The legalization of Marijuana in the United States

Subject: ⚖️ Law
Pages: 3
Words: 737
Rating: 4,8

For a long time, marijuana has been associated with people with addiction issues, including unfocused teenagers and criminals. In recent years, Marijuana use has been…

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Why Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Subject: ⚖️ Law
Pages: 5
Words: 1189
Rating: 4,8

The legalization of medical marijuana has been a controversial topic throughout the United States of America (USA) for a while now. The use of marijuana…

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Ganja Plant

Pages: 2
Words: 557
Rating: 4,8

Marijuana also called weed, herb, bud, ganja, etc. is a psychoactive drug derived from Cannabis plant anticipated for medical and recreational purposes. Marijuana is occasionally…

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Health organization marketing strategy

Subject: 👪 Family
Pages: 4
Words: 998
Rating: 4,8

Prenatal care for pregnant women is an essential necessity to see through a successful pregnancy. In this article, a discussion on how to make sure…

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Smallpox as Biological Weapon

Pages: 9
Words: 1952
Rating: 4,7

Introduction Biological warfare or germ war history is as old as the existence of war itself. The warring parties in earliest times poisoned wells or…

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Sex Reassignment Surgery

Pages: 2
Words: 611
Rating: 4,8

Sex reassignment surgery is defined as the process through which individuals that demonstrate gender dysphoria transition to a different gender. Individuals suffering from gender dysphoria…

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Anatomy of the Hip Joint and ROM

Pages: 3
Words: 770
Rating: 4,8

In a human body, the hip joint is the largest joint. It is also referred to as a ball and socket joint due to the…

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Schizophrenia Nature vs. Nurture

Pages: 4
Words: 842
Rating: 4,8

Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disorder that influences brain development and expresses a combination of cognitive dysfunctions and psychotic symptoms. Several kinds of research have…

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Down Syndrome Descriptive Essay

Pages: 7
Words: 1885
Rating: 4,9

Abstract Down Syndrome is a genetical disorder. Before 1862, children born with all or several symptoms such as lower IQ, stunted growth, tongue larger than…

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The Junk Food Crisis

Pages: 10
Words: 2511
Rating: 4,7

Introduction The use of junk food in the United States and other parts of the world is alarming because such type of food is connected…

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The “Value Menu” Competition in the Fast Food Industry

Pages: 4
Words: 1229
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The consumption of fast food in the US has become a social and cultural component of the modern lifestyle. Fast food stores have become…

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Mental Illness Essay

Pages: 2
Words: 603
Rating: 4,6

Abstract Mental illness has for a long time been shrouded in secrecy, taboo and myths that have made family members and friends shun away from…

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Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms, neuroanatomical and neurotransmitter changes

Pages: 3
Words: 871
Rating: 4,8

Bipolar disorder is a type of mood disorder that is associated with alternative episodes of mania and depression. The regulation of moods within the brains…

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Earthquake Preparedness Plans

Pages: 6
Words: 1623
Rating: 4,6

Abstract  Earthquakes are occurrences that might disrupt business operations by causing injury, death, and damage to property. This is a natural earthquake that cannot be…

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The public health issues created in Haiti by the 2010…

Pages: 13
Words: 3343
Rating: 4,6

This research paper discusses the public health issues created in Haiti by the 2010 earthquake. The paper presents an analysis and description of Haiti geopolitical…

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Soccer Training Plan

Subject: ⚽ Sports
Pages: 3
Words: 809
Rating: 4,6

Introduction   Soccer is a sport that demands various forms of fitness both physiologically and mentally. As such, soccer players need to be prepared both during…

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Strength Training

Subject: ⚽ Sports
Pages: 2
Words: 581
Rating: 4,8

Strength training is a kind of physical workout focusing the building of strength, the size of skeletal muscles and anaerobic endurance through the use of…

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Long-Term Mars Mission

Pages: 7
Words: 1565
Rating: 4,8

Introduction In the twenty-first century, there has been an increasing focus on potential Mars mission. Scientists intend to launch the first successful landing on planet…

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Vegan Diet

Pages: 4
Words: 1132
Rating: 4,9

Introduction Veganism is one of the most common health concepts in the contemporary century. The popularity of the vegan diet has seen its rise due…

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