Marijuana Legalization Essays

Results: 9 samples found
essays on this Topic

The legalization of Marijuana in the United States

Subject: ⚖️ Law
Pages: 3
Words: 737
Rating: 4,8

For a long time, marijuana has been associated with people with addiction issues, including unfocused teenagers and criminals. In recent years, Marijuana use has been…

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Should drugs like Cannabis be legalised?

Pages: 1
Words: 356
Rating: 4,8

Should drugs like cannabis be legalized? This question must be broken down and categorized specifically because there are numerous types of drugs and aspects of…

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Why Medical Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Subject: ⚖️ Law
Pages: 5
Words: 1189
Rating: 4,8

The legalization of medical marijuana has been a controversial topic throughout the United States of America (USA) for a while now. The use of marijuana…

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Ganja Plant

Pages: 2
Words: 557
Rating: 4,8

Marijuana also called weed, herb, bud, ganja, etc. is a psychoactive drug derived from Cannabis plant anticipated for medical and recreational purposes. Marijuana is occasionally…

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Changes in marijuana laws

Subject: ⚖️ Law
Pages: 2
Words: 578
Rating: 4,8

Executive summary Generally, marijuana possession in Florida is illegal. Recently, there has been an amendment to the constitution premised on the medicinal use of marijuana…

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Benefit of Legalization of Marijuana and Dravet Syndrome

Pages: 5
Words: 1392
Rating: 4,1

The legalization of marijuana is one of the issues that have led to the development of debates in the society. While some of the individuals…

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Public Administration and Drug Control Policy

Pages: 1
Words: 328
Rating: 4,1

Public policy formulation, including the policy on drugs, is inherently dependent and responsive to current events. Policies addressing the issues of substance use have varied…

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Drug policies in the US

Pages: 2
Words: 533
Rating: 4,5

Introduction The US has seen a transition of laws since 1906 all directed toward intensifying the war against drugs. According to Sacco (2014)  drugs still…

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Drug trends

Pages: 8
Words: 2050
Rating: 4,7

Introduction Drug usage has been increasing in the United States with an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged above 12 years or older having used some…

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