Postmodern Essays

Results: 9 samples found
essays on this Topic

How does cultural context affect our understanding of cinematic context…

Subject: 🎨 Art
Pages: 8
Words: 2247
Rating: 4,8

Over the past decades, the film industry has rapidly grown. The art of film covers various issues in the society ranging from political, religious and…

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Personal Worldview

Pages: 4
Words: 869
Rating: 4,8

Spirituality The term spirituality could derive distinct meaning among different persons in the community. A common understanding of spirituality involves a connection to something relatively…

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Participant observation

Pages: 3
Words: 834
Rating: 4,8

PART 1 I went to an elegant restaurant which had a modern look and it was tastefully designed. The modern design of the restaurant had…

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Consumption and Modernity

Pages: 9
Words: 2285
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The period of 1919 and 1945 witnessed numerous changes across western countries in terms of culture, politics, economy and social aspects.  After the conclusion…

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Postmodernism in The Girls of Slender Means by Muriel Spark

Pages: 8
Words: 2129
Rating: 4,7

In virtually all pieces of literature material in the world today, the authors strive to be as unique as possible. This move is aimed at…

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Discussion – Whether Nuclear Family is Natural or Universal

Subject: 👪 Family
Pages: 6
Words: 1763
Rating: 4,7

The generally accepted definition of nuclear family attests to a household comprising of two parents and their dependent children. The definition is widely recognized and…

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Comparison and contrasting of postmodern TV series

Subject: 📡 Media
Pages: 6
Words: 1627
Rating: 4,8

Introduction The TV series are mainly established to give specific communication to the target audience. In most cases, the series have varied audience for example…

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Munslow: On History as a Postmodern Literary Activity

Pages: 3
Words: 981
Rating: 4,8

In the article, “What History Is,” Munslow (2001) illustrated the epistemological turn in writing history and its role in shaping the meaning of history. He…

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Violence in classical world

Pages: 2
Words: 576
Rating: 4,8

Despite an unknown number of studies and untold billions spent on research, the jury is still out on whether violent behavior is instinctual or learned….

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